5 FREE Tips to help clear out toxins, increase your energy and decrease your cellulite!

I am blown away by the amount of crazy myths, lies and weight loss and cellulite reducing urban legends that still exist out there.  What is most upsetting is that I see people trying so hard and failing… and then giving up hope, only because they have been following the wrong set of rules and crappy programs. 

You have cellulite because your body is out of balance and there is a certain level of toxicity that your body simply isn’t managing well so it’s pressing to the surface; annoying and frustrating you to get your attention loud and clear!

You don’t have cellulite and excess puffiness on your body because you don’t apply cellulite cream or exfoliate everyday or take a shot of wheatgrass in the morning and forgot to run your 5 km 4 times this week.

You have cellulite because something needs to shift. Your body is toxic and FED UP! These ridiculous claims, products and promises only lead to increasing your misery by making you feel overwhelmed, confused and like your efforts are worthless.

Let me share a few steps with you that must start happening if you want to feel and look better.

Because your life is precious, and it is passing.

And YOU get to determine how you live it

1) Eat Clean and Alkalize Your Body: To move toxins out of fat cells and from your body we don’t cut you open and suck them out, we draw them out. You need to cut the crap from your diet and consume more balancing, nutrient-dense, alkalizing foods and reduce the amount of harmful acidic foods that are creating inflammation and fat-storing pockets of toxins that show up on your rear, your thighs, arms and abdomen as dimply, lumpy cellulite land mines. Your diet needs to be made up of a variety of healthy; mostly organic, fruits and vegetables, healthy hydrating fats and good quality protein to chelate (bind) to the acidic toxic build up, drawing it out to be removed from your body.

2) Hydrate and Flush: If you take away only one thing from this email let it be this – DRINK WATER! You must drink enough water and eat hydrating foods to help flush and remove the toxins from your system through you and out. Water is essential to decreasing cellulite. Dehydration in your body leads to trapped toxins in your fat cells, which causes them to swell and pres up against the skins surface, plus you will retain more water being dehydrated because your body needs, but is barely getting any and will hold onto whatever is can so you end up have cellulite AND felling puffy. 

For best results drink 2-4 liters of good quality, not from a plastic bottle, water each and every day.

3) Break Up With Your Crack: Caffeine, sugar, salt, wine, beer, chocolate, dairy – what is your drug of choice? I say drug because that is exactly what all of these items are; highly addictive and creating the same level of stimulation to certain areas of your cerebral cortex that illicit the same opiate “feel-good” feeling that drugs such as cocaine, heroin or uppers would do. I know you believe that it is your taste buds and your stomach crying out for these treats but it’s not IT’S YOUR ADDICTED BRAIN looking for its next HIGH and stimulant, your poor little adrenals will soon begin to mimic this exact message creating out of control cravings, an insulin muffin top over your pants and squishy cottage-cheese thighs out of your undies, yes even the granny undies and control topJ

Once you connect to the realization that your unhealthy, daily addictions are contributing to your cellulite and zero energy, no sex drive, bunged up bum and lackluster skin; it will feel so freeing to break up with your crack and move on.

4) Move Your Garbage Towards The Exit Sign: In order to truly detoxify your body effectively and efficiently you must make sure your back-end is moving well and regularly “aka” you must be pooping daily! If you are trying to cleanse and flush everything from the top down, but your gut and intestinal system aren’t functioning well and you are dealing with constipation; then all of the junk and debris you are pulling from your fat cells and organs will back up into your system and re-circulate causing even more problems. Poop needs to flow in order for toxins to flush.

If you are not having healthy bowel movements your cellulite will be hanging around for a long time.

5) Get Stimulated: Lets’ get your lymphatic system moving and create some heat and buffering in your body! Daily dry brushing, massage, Epsom salts baths, certain essential oils and rebounding are effective ways to move the toxins through your lymph system and out to your major excretory organs; lungs, liver, bowels and skin.

Daily EXERCISE is probably the best way to get things moving and build lean muscle tissue which helps to firm and tone your body head to toe. You will never change the shape of your body, lose your cellulite or increase your core metabolic function by cardio alone. So get off the treadmill and into the weight room. 

Plus, all of these suggestions above for your lymph system help to decrease your major stress hormone cortisol and increase the amount of endorphins and serotonin you are producing – these are your feel good hormones, literally your body’s own natural anti-depressants.

So now that you’ve got a head start and have read my 5 ways to reduce cellulite now

ARE YOU READY to create a shift?

Click here to learn the short & simple solution to getting rid of your cellulite in just 28 days. 

Jenn xoxo

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