Creating The Body You Want

When it comes to nutrition, dieting, shopping, cooking and eating a well-balanced diet there is no such thing as black or white. The food and nutrition industry is grey; suffocated in thousands upon thousands of books, programs and guru’s claiming to be THE voice for you. The reality is that you need to be patient, you need to spend time moving through the information that is available to you and more importantly, along the way of reading and digesting…LISTEN to your inner guide and guru. What resonates most with you in terms o the information? What do you think you could begin right now that wouldn’t be horribly life-altering and excoriating? Something you could do a little planning today and start tomorrow?

This is where I would recommend you begin…at the beginning.

We always tend to put these huge expectations and perimeters around ourselves that almost immediately sets us up for disaster. This time choose to slow down and learn something along the way.

So many of us believe that we can get healthy if we lose weight. The reality is that we must BE healthy to lose weight. When you take the time to sit down and truly take a look at your current health, what you eat, how you move, sleep and how you FEEL…you will begin to see exactly what has been going on all these years and finally begin to optimize your health, your hormonal balance, lose fat and restore your health and vitality.

Perhaps the best gift for yourself this year is to book some time with a Holistic Nutritionist a Naturopath or Homeopath?

What do you really want to create for yourself this year? It is all attainable, it is all within reach but you need to know where you are at before you can create a plan for where you want to BE.

Carve out some time today and daydream – create a big picture for your health, your mind and your body!


For more incredible holistic health and lifestyle tips from MOI…
Hop over to Amazon and get your copy of my new book today – it will literally change the way you hear your body communicate with you, the way you perceive your digestion, your hormones and help you to choose the most effective exercise, supplements and skin care for your body!
Follow Jenn on Facebook at and like us on Facebook under Simplicity Yoga & Fitness Therapy Studio
 and @simplicityjenn on Twitter
Have A Super-Fabulous Day

The Weekend Blahs…Get Over It!

Its Sunday night and you are feeling the not-so-hot effects of your weekend; bloated, tired, dull, less than eager to return to work, blank on what to prepare for your lunch tomorrow and deciding the best form of torture to ‘treat’ your body to for the next 48 hours to miraculously ‘undo’ the last 48 hours  – sound familiar?

Get up off the couch and/or the pity wagon and create some action with a few of these super simple, super effective tips:

  • If your feeling bloated try making a cup of peppermint tea or a glass of water with fresh lemon juice
  • If you are feeling tired choose something 1) go to bed early OR 2) Take 10 deep controlled belly breaths and then perform 8-10 rounds of Sun Salutations ending with a few minutes in child’s pose.
  • If you are feeling dull have a nice bath with epsom salts and essential lavender, orange or grapefruit oil.
  • If you are less than eager to go to work start to ask yourself WHY? If you don’t like what you do, then DO you want to do? Begin day dreaming, journaling and creating a vision of what you really wish you could get up and do each day.
  • If you are blank on what to have for lunch check out some of the great recipes I have posted right here within this blog site, like my yummy Chickpea Sandwich Spread or Black Bean Avocado Salad or if you have a copy of my book The Simplicity Project, cho0se a lunch idea from it.
  • When it comes to your exercise for the week, make it last the WHOLE week not just Monday & Tuesday “payback-workoff the weekend warrior 48 hours of exercise”!
  • Choose a balance this week of Yoga, Pilates, Strength Training, Cardio Intervals and family walks outside.

Shift your energy away from coming up with excuses to coming up with reasons, inspiration, motivation and creative solutions to get your butt off the couch, in to the kitchen, to bed at a decent time and ready for a kickass day tomorrow infused with a great attitude, nourishing food and movement that reminds you how AWESOME you truly are!

Have a great sleep and remember to feel the gratitude for what you have and who you are before you travel to zzzzzz town:)

Jenn xo

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to you all!

I absolutely love this time of year; just coming off spending lots of time with family and friends and having a little bit of down time before gearing up for a great new year ahead.

I have so much gratitude to 2012 for all of the incredible moments I have had with my husband, children and family, the massive joy I have had from new career endeavours and success’ has been so amazing and I can’t wait to continue the flow into 2013.

I, much like many of you, LOVE to create, envision and goal set for upcoming journeys and adventures but at times can feel overwhelmed at how much I dream to do. So this year I have decided to keep it simple…well ‘simple’ for me haha.

In my journal I created a few categories:

Family & Friends


Health & Vitality



I then wrote down 2-3 goals or dreams I have for each that I would either like to create new or continue to work on what I have already begun and then wrote down 1-2 actions to take this month to begin the process in each aspect of my life. I also set a date and posted it in my kitchen so that I have something to be accountable to and remind me daily of my desires.

For Example:

Family & Friends

1. Have a monthly date night with my husband – no kiddies

2. Connect with our families on a monthly basis

3. Book at least one friends get together each month


1. Book babysitter for 1 night per month for date with Chris for January -March

2. Book Family Skating party

3. Invite friends  and their kids for skating and hot chocolate…non-diary of course:)


All of the above have been done! The sitter is booked, family skate day is Jan 12th and we have dinner with friends this Friday and a friendly skate with hot chocolate on Jan 27th!

It didn’t feel overwhelming, it felt GREAT! Now we have so many great things to look forward to this month:)

No matter what your goals are you must have a few things set in place before you can get to the action and succeed phase:

You need to know WHY you want to achieve the goals you have set out. If there is no emotion or charge behind it, you simply won’t achieve your goal…period!

 You need to look at all aspects of HOW you are going to get things DONE. What obstacles might get in your way? What do you have schedule, purchase or get rid of?

Who is going to be part of your ‘tribe’ or accountability group that will hold you to your goals, help to keep you focused and on track and mentor you along the way.

Whether its right now, tonight or tomorrow you need to sit down with a piece of paper and pen and determine your categories, your goals and on your strategy of how its going to happen.

Have fun with this, you get one life, live it well, make it juicy and dream BIG!

Happy First Day of 2013

Jenn xo