The Weekend Blahs…Get Over It!

Its Sunday night and you are feeling the not-so-hot effects of your weekend; bloated, tired, dull, less than eager to return to work, blank on what to prepare for your lunch tomorrow and deciding the best form of torture to ‘treat’ your body to for the next 48 hours to miraculously ‘undo’ the last 48 hours  – sound familiar?

Get up off the couch and/or the pity wagon and create some action with a few of these super simple, super effective tips:

  • If your feeling bloated try making a cup of peppermint tea or a glass of water with fresh lemon juice
  • If you are feeling tired choose something 1) go to bed early OR 2) Take 10 deep controlled belly breaths and then perform 8-10 rounds of Sun Salutations ending with a few minutes in child’s pose.
  • If you are feeling dull have a nice bath with epsom salts and essential lavender, orange or grapefruit oil.
  • If you are less than eager to go to work start to ask yourself WHY? If you don’t like what you do, then DO you want to do? Begin day dreaming, journaling and creating a vision of what you really wish you could get up and do each day.
  • If you are blank on what to have for lunch check out some of the great recipes I have posted right here within this blog site, like my yummy Chickpea Sandwich Spread or Black Bean Avocado Salad or if you have a copy of my book The Simplicity Project, cho0se a lunch idea from it.
  • When it comes to your exercise for the week, make it last the WHOLE week not just Monday & Tuesday “payback-workoff the weekend warrior 48 hours of exercise”!
  • Choose a balance this week of Yoga, Pilates, Strength Training, Cardio Intervals and family walks outside.

Shift your energy away from coming up with excuses to coming up with reasons, inspiration, motivation and creative solutions to get your butt off the couch, in to the kitchen, to bed at a decent time and ready for a kickass day tomorrow infused with a great attitude, nourishing food and movement that reminds you how AWESOME you truly are!

Have a great sleep and remember to feel the gratitude for what you have and who you are before you travel to zzzzzz town:)

Jenn xo

Quinoa Chickpea Burgers with Spaghetti Squash Portobello Delight

After being inspired by a yummy quinoa burger my girlfriend made us a few days ago I came up with this recipe of spaghetti squash and veggies to go along with it and my family absolutely loved it!

From first chop to first chew the whole thing took me one hour to prep, but I had lots of time in between to catch up with my husband, set the table with the kids, and enjoy the whole meal process. The best part is after the meal everyone felt great and still had energy so the kids and Chris hit the ice in the backyard for 2 hours of skating and playing hockey!!!

Mom really needs to learn how to skate this year LOL

I hope you enjoy this dish as much as we did.

Quinoa Chickpea Burgers

Prepare 2 cups dry Quinoa and use 1/4 the cooked amount for this recipe and save the other 3/4 cooked quinoa for another meal. Now you have just cut down your kitchen cooking time!

  • 1/4 amount of the cooked quinoa
  • 1 medium carrot, cut in large chunks
  • 2 leeks, thinly sliced
  • 1 can organic chickpeas, drained and rinsed
  • 1/4 cup plain dried spelt or gluten free breadcrumbs
  • 1 large organic egg, lightly beaten or extra goat cheese
  • 1/4 cup herbed goat cheese, crumbled
  • 1 tablespoon ground cumin
  • Coarse salt
  • Ground pepper
  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil


  1. In a food processor, pulse carrot until finely chopped. Add cooked quinoa, half the scallions, beans, breadcrumbs, egg, cumin, 1 teaspoon salt, and 1/4 teaspoon pepper; pulse until combined but still slightly chunky. Remove from food processor into a large bowl and fold in goat cheese, adding more to achieve your desired consistency.
  2. Form mixture into four 3/4-inch-thick paties (dip hands in water to prevent sticking). If too soft, refrigerate 10 minutes to firm. In a large nonstick skillet, heat oil over medium; cook burgers until browned and cooked through, 8 to 10 minutes per side.

Spaghetti Squash Portobello Delight

  1. Pre heat oven to 375`.
  2. Cut squash length wise and place face-down in large glass dish with 1 inch water
  3. Bake for 45 minutes.
  4. Once done, let cool and scrape the ‘noodles’ out with a fork.
  5. Season with either coconut oil or soy free Earth Balance Butter, dried tarragon, sea salt and fresh ground pepper.

Portobellos, Red & Yellow Peppers & Spinach

  1. Heat olive oil, minced garlic and fresh ginger over medium in a large skillet
  2. Slice 2 large portobellos 1/2 inch thick and julienne your 1 yellow pepper & 1 red pepper.
  3. begin to sauté them all together until slightly tender, toss a few handfuls of organic spinach and continue sautéing.

Pulling It All Together

On your plate layer a generous pile of the spaghetti squash and top with your mushrooms, peppers and spinach. Place your burger to the side and top with either a dollop of Greek yogurt or tzatziki and diced avocado.

All you have left to do and chew and enjoy!